Policy: End All Covid-19 Mandates

Time To End Covid Mandates Once and For All

Enough is Enough – Time To Learn To Live With Covid Without Trampling The Rights Of Citizens And Their Children.

The dark days of lockdowns, business closures, lost employment, bankruptcies, suicides, depression and fear are behind us.  …at least for now.

As an advertising expert, I immediately recognized the techniques and tools deployed to spread fear and division at the start of the “Pandemic”.   Like many, I was aware that something was sinister taking place because the policies deployed, and “precautions” taken, were completely useless in stopping the spread of any virus, much less Covid.

There were inconsistencies in the rules for example, capacity limits:

  • Churches were limited to 10 people.
  • Costco was limited to just over a thousand at a time.


Personal health was curbed:

  • Gyms were ordered closed
  • Liquour and beer stores did not require masks for shopping.


Personal bodily integrity was violated:

  • Before Covid-19, the government was prohibited from using health cards as ID for privacy reasons.
  • During Covid-19, people were forced to divulge their personal and private medical status – a direct violation of many laws both Provincial and Federal, including Senate Bill S.201 – “An Act to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination”


The hardships endured, the unnecessary imprisonment in our homes, the lack of education for children and the societal chaos that followed was not only unnecessary, but obscene.



Children Denied

Children denied and limited

[Image] Children look on as they are forbidden to have new toys to pass the while in home quarantine.

It is difficult to see the look of the children in this picture, captured and reflective of the feelings of so many children during this time.  They’ve been denied their ability to interact with other children, denied from the playground, denied from attending school in person and held back in their education.

There is no evidence that the measures imposed on children and the rest of society had any benefit whatsoever.  

As a matter of fact, many doctors repeatedly assert that the “cure is worse than the illness”.


Depression And Suicides Increased

Depression and suicides dramatically increased

[Image] stock image of the use of alcohol to cope with stress.

The Ford government prevented businesses from operating.  The Ford government strongly encouraged the use of alcohol and drugs to cope, whereas healthy choices such as the operation of gyms and fitness facilities were denied.

There were brave individual business owners who refused to be prisoners of the government and continued to operate despite being charged.  To date, almost every charge has been thrown out by the prosecution while some charges have yet to be heard or disposed of.

Youth and Young Adults Denied Rites of Passage

Youth and young adults denied rites of passage

[Image] stock image of the use of alcohol to cope with stress.

The Ford government prevented businesses from operating.  The Ford government strongly encouraged the use of alcohol and drugs to cope, whereas healthy choices such as the operation of gyms and fitness facilities were denied.

There were brave individual business owners who refused to be prisoners of the government and continued to operate despite being charged.  To date, almost every charge has been thrown out by the prosecution while some charges have yet to be heard or disposed of.

No Debate Permitted

Concerns over the Ford government’s mishandling of the Covid measures have prompted many doctors to step forward and offer to challenge the position of the government bureaucrats, offering a forum for debate and policy evaluation.

The Ford government would have none of it.  I personally reached out to my PC MPP and was given the run-around.

The Ford government is clearly under the influence of lobbyists, while publicly Ford states he’s just doing what the Ontario Medical Officer of Health is ordering.  In fact, The Ontario Medical Officer of Health, Dr David Williams and the Ontario Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Barbara Yaffe, unwittingly admit on a hot mic that they just read what they’re told to read!  See the video below:


Ontario Medical Officers of Health Caught Admitting They’re Reading Some Else’s Policies

No Opposition

In a Parliamentary Democracy, the Loyal Opposition is supposed to challenge the government position.  The Loyal Opposition is supposed to play “Devils Advocate” on behalf of the people to provide some public balance and thought provoking analysis on policies.

That didn’t happen.

  • The Loyal Opposition – The NDP, did not challenge the Ford government on policy and remained supportive of the government narrative.
  • The Liberals also remained silently supportive of the Ford government’s unjustifiable policies.
  • The Green Party also remained silent.

As a matter of fact, the only party to challenge the Ford government was the lone New Blue Party member of Provincial Parliament – Belinda Karahalios.


Going Back To Lockdowns

At present, the Trudeau government maintains the lockdowns in Canada, while travelling aboard with his son to a supposed war-ravaged nation – The Ukraine – without masks or PPE, to attend a U2 concert.

The Ford government has relaxed lockdowns, obviously for electoral purposes.  However, if Ford wins election again, we are going back into severe and harsher lockdowns than ever before.  As a matter of fact, every single party except for the New Blue Party fully supports lockdowns and the end of Charter Rights for Ontarians.  The New Blue Party will end ALL Covid measures and return to normal.


Vote New Blue For Freedom

On June 2nd, 2021, Vote New Blue Party of Ontario and let’s get back to normal.