The Establishment Media Is Trying To Fool You, Again
The Establishment Media is Trying To Hide Your Political Options This Coming Election (June 2nd, 2022).
If you’ve ever been suspicious of the intentions of the media outlets that call themselves “News”, you can now knowingly accuse them of being propaganda, and not “News” at all.
“News” is supposed to be factual, providing a service that allows us to take the 5 W’s and H in a story, and come to our own conclusions based on a set of facts. If you’re not getting the facts, you can’t make informed decisions.
Read that again.
“If you’re not getting the facts, you can’t make informed decisions.”
The establishment media is deliberately hiding the facts from you and giving you the illusion of choice when it comes to the upcoming Provincial Election in Ontario.
New Blue Party of Ontario
There is a new and exciting party in this next provincial election – The New Blue Party of Ontario. It’s a grass-roots party, and unlike all of the other major parties in Ontario, it’s controlled by the grass-roots, not lobbyists. The party was created by Jim and Belinda Karahalios, who were fed-up with the dishonesty in politics and wanted something new to represent hard-working Ontarians. Belinda was an elected MPP in Ontario this past term and running for election again under the banner of the New Blue Party of Ontario.
The rules for the leaders of Provincial political parties to participate in the televised debate on May 16th, 2022 are as follows:
- The party must register a full slate of 124 candidates by the registration deadline (there are 124 provincial ridings in the Province of Ontario).
- The party must have an elected member of their party in Provincial Parliament.
The New Blue Party meets these criteria and was actually the first of all parties to have 124 candidates registered for the June 2nd, 2022 election. Despite meeting the criteria, the party leader, Jim Karahalios is being denied participation in the debate. Ironically, the Ontario Liberal Party does not have 124 candidates registered (they are two short) but they are being allowed to participate in the debate.
“The establishment media has broken its own rules to deny democracy and silence voters.” – Jim Karahalios
Jim put out a tweet explaining the denial of information and exposure to the public:
Lobbyists To Blame
You know when you vote for a party and they fulfill almost none of their campaign promises, often doing the exact opposite? That’s because corporate lobbyists are involved and, usually “for a fee” or other “consideration”, the political wishes of the highly-generous corporate lobbyists are given priority over the voters the politician is supposed to represent.
And yes, if a politician is taking bribes or “considerations” to influence political policy, that is illegal.
The Streisand Effect
Attempts to try to hide the New Blue Party have repeatedly backfired due to the “Streisand Effect”.
From Wikipedia:
“The Streisand effect is a phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of that information, often via the Internet. It is named after American singer Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project’s photograph of her residence in Malibu, California, taken to document California coastal erosion, inadvertently drew greater attention to the photograph in 2003.”
The New Blue Party is gaining increased awareness despite the establishment’s attempts to hide the party and its policies.
Now You Know
You now have blatant proof there is a plot to prevent democracy in Canada by way of the propagandist media.
The New Blue Party of Ontario is promising the following:
- Ending ALL Covid-19 mandates.
- Renewing political accountability.
- Promoting a free press and issuing fines for misleading reporting.
- Lowing the Ontario HST from 13% to 10%
- Growing Ontario’s economy by a target of 5%
- Reforming education and deleting Critical Race Theory from classrooms, which currently allow teachers to fine students for “Subconscious Racism”.
- Removing the degenerative “Woke” movement from schools and get back to teaching the essentials: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Music, Civics and Physical Education.
- Restoring and improving Ontario’s health care system.
- Lowering taxes.
To learn more about the New Blue Party of Ontario, click the button below to get to the party website.
Help Spread Informed Democracy
Please feel free to share this post and increase political awareness using the strength of the Streisand Effect – thank you!

Stop Critical Race Theory
What is Critical Race Theory? Did you know the Ford Government twice voted in favour of this draconian Marxist program disguised as "Race Training"? Thanks to New Blue MPP - Belinda Karahalios, this program did not get to third reading and was discarded. Watch...